Contact Information


Head Office
Rail-Veyor Technologies Global Inc.
40 Larch Street, Unit 201
Sudbury, ON P3E 5M7
Toll Free: 1-844-288-0450
Office: 1-705-682-0450

United States

Regional Office
Rail-Veyor Tech Center
402 E. Sharon Avenue
Houghton, MI 49931
Toll Free: 1-844-288-0450

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Railveyor material hauling systems are powered by proprietary software that takes you out of the field and optimizes your business.

Our mission is to safely and effectively optimize your mine or industrial application with the most sustainable and scalable material hauling technology available. While the Railveyor system itself is the most advanced material hauling solution on the market, the software we’ve created to run it offers a whole other level of efficiency to your team and mine.

With the ability to safely, remotely, and automatically operate your mine from a tablet or fixed location, the proprietary Railveyor software maximizes the efficiency and ROI of your mine or other material haulage application.

works remote

Fulfilling the Promise of
TrulyAutonomous™ Haulage

While many competing material haulage solutions on the market today may claim to be somewhat “autonomous,” bolting on upgrades and beta testing robotics often falls short of the mark. Modern semi-autonomous trucks may be driven remotely or have some degree of automated operation, but only Railveyor has the intrinsic mechanical design and intelligent system software to create TrulyAutonomous material transport – no human intervention required.

The Railveyor system is TrulyAutonomous from start to finish: sensing appropriate material weights for initial loading, precisely triggering Drive Stations along the track for energy efficiency, controlling exact Train speed for safe travel and detecting anomalies that would trigger safety alert levels. The user interface of the “nerve center” of your material transport operation may be reduced to a single screen in a control room, with no dedicated operator required.

Optimize Your Mine

Intelligence that Turns
Data into Insights

Railveyor’s software collects crucial data to monitor performance, highlighting ways to improve the operational efficiency of your mine and boost ROI. In fact, the data collection ability of the Railveyor system is so detailed and comprehensive that our customers are continually inventing novel ways to utilize the information – essentially bootstrapping the digitization of their mining operation with the added value of an already incredibly beneficial material haulage system.

One Person to Run

In the Palm of your Hand and
Out of Harm’s Way

Trucks and conveyors require teams of employees to run and maintain – all in person, on site and near potentially hazardous equipment. With Railveyor, the system is TrulyAutonomous, meaning everyday operation happens without human intervention or proximity – minimizing the potential for accidents.

Railveyor’s user interface is flexible and can be accessed from a tablet or mobile device, which is useful for monitoring the system from a great distance or for changing parameters within sight of the physical system, deep underground. The system may also be monitored and modified from the cloud, allowing Railveyor’s expert team of engineers to closely collaborate with your staff on many technical issues.

How Can We Help You

Let’s get moving.

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