Contact Information


Head Office
Rail-Veyor Technologies Global Inc.
40 Larch Street, Unit 201
Sudbury, ON P3E 5M7
Toll Free: 1-844-288-0450
Office: 1-705-682-0450

United States

Regional Office
Rail-Veyor Tech Center
402 E. Sharon Avenue
Houghton, MI 49931
Toll Free: 1-844-288-0450

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The global consensus is in – and material transport solutions that emit high amounts of carbon are on their way out.

No more than a few months into the 2020s, nearly everyone on the planet would have agreed that radical, swift change is possible – the outbreak of COVID-19 made that painfully obvious. But technological progress throughout the globalized world continues to gradually advance transformations that will be even more dramatic in the long run.

Continued growth – in the face of looming climate change and the requisite governmental and corporate responses – demands deep innovation. Already we are seeing increased digitization within mining operations, leveraging of geospatial information systems and automation of many mining tasks, to name a few.

Industry leaders in the mining sector and beyond are exploring for novel innovations the way prospectors of old sought silver and gold – and the potential for success is far higher still.

The value of Railveyor to your mining operation itself may be reduced to a simple equation: classic outlays and benefits. But Railveyor brings more to the table when viewed through the lens of a comprehensive Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) framework. At Railveyor, we borrowed a page from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as we categorize the ESG values we represent in three ways: Planet, People & Prosperity.

Our Planet


In the years since the landmark 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, governments, corporations and institutions the world over have enacted myriad mechanisms to ensure that the targets set in that historic agreement are met. In the meantime, many communities of people throughout the world have become increasingly aware of the need for meaningful and measurable systemic change in consumer lifestyles and business practices to support planet-wide sustainable development. A decarbonizing world would have a major impact on the commodity pricing of many companies in the mining industry; additionally, the mining sector is already facing pressure to decarbonize its own operations.

According to a report published by McKinsey, mining is responsible for 4-7% of greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions globally in 2020. The mining industry is seeking ways to reduce those emissions and many leading companies are preparing to do more than “check a box” and garner a social license to operate. Finally, the financialization of low-carbon commodities may push investors towards minerals and materials extracted by decarbonized operations.

When paired with energy drawn from renewable sources, Railveyor’s remarkable energy efficiency can reduce your mine’s amount of carbon emissions significantly. By continuing to pursue the tradition of constant innovation and exploration in a full and multifaceted embrace of decarbonization, the extractive industries are poised to lead society into the next, net-zero era of humankind.



Mining has a long history of booms and busts, miracles and disasters. Dramatic events which linger in the perceptions of the general public with respect to health, safety and environmental responsibility have long troubled the industry. In the contemporary view, specific mines and mining companies continue to make world news mainly when a catastrophe occurs or a legal challenge manifests. Despite the universal dependence of the global supply chain and economy on the extractive efforts of the mining industry, the industry still faces significant challenges around managing risk with respect to human resources and local communities.

The TrulyAutonomous Railveyor system removes workers from the most hazardous areas of a mining operation, reducing the potential for accidents that lead to loss of life or limb. By creating a more predictable and controllable working environment, mines could potentially become as safe as a modern, well-managed factory floor – and improved public (and shareholder) perception may follow. The Railveyor system also transports any bulk material more quietly and with less dust generated when compared with over-the-road truck haulage, which is beneficial for local communities.

Railveyor represents a valuable, viable opportunity to transition the transport system of a traditionally labor-intensive, potentially hazardous industry towards a safer, more automated future – a future which is coming, one way or another.



Demand for the resources unearthed by the global mining industry shows no signs of slowing. Formerly unheard-of rare earth minerals and materials like lithium are the next vital commodities in the global supply chain, presenting opportunities in new locales. On the other hand, the relative remoteness of many new sites presents a challenge when it comes to sustainable transport. Also, many existing mines are nearing end of life, dealing with degraded ore bodies or approaching superdeep phases of development.

The energy efficient, cost-saving material transport system that is Railveyor provides a solution to many of these issues. Ore and materials can be hauled from remote mines to port terminals without requiring costly road infrastructure and emitting tons of carbon. Mines which might otherwise be closed (or never explored at all) due to inadequate profitability may be kept open or pursued – leading to more employment locally, more tax revenue for local governments and greater equity in less-developed nations. The growth of Gross World Product (GWP) through this century may never slow, but doing so sustainably requires smart technology and wise investments in capital.

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